Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice
Dear Customers,

First, Thank you for shopping at websites. We make sure your privacy and want to protect your personal information. We want you to know how we handle the information you send us via the internet. Our Privacy Policy adapts to the internet's dynamic environment. We keep you informed by updating this Privacy Policy as our procedures change. Please review it occasionally to remain informed. This is the way we handle information:

our websites has posted this privacy statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to privacy. Also, we agree to disclose our information and practices and notify you of:

- What personally identifiable information of yours (or third party personally identifiable information) is collected from you through our website
- The organization collecting the information
- How information is used
- With whom information may be shared
- What choices are available to you regarding collection, use and distribution of this information
- The kind of security procedures that are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under our site's control
- How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information

We request information from the user on our order form when making a purchase. Here is where a user must provide their contact information, such as name, address, shipping information, and credit card number and expiration date. This information is used for billing purposes and to fill the customer's order. If we have difficulty processing and order, this information is also used to contact our customers.

Our site's database tracks the traffic throughout our site. This information is used to compile overall statistics and is not recorded at an individual level. This included IP (internet protocol) addresses, browser type, ISP (internet service provider), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track users movement is the aggregate. The statistics help us decide which products and services best serve our members and guests.

Thus, the privacy of those who visit our Web site is of primary concern to us. We adhere to the highest ethical standards of the industry. We automatically gather some data from everyone who visits our site, while other information is obtained at the discretion of the individual. Our sole purpose in doing this is to enhance the experience of individual shoppers here at our cheap nike shoes store.


We take every precaution to protect our users'information. When you submit sensitive information online, your information is protected both online and off-line.

When our registration form asks you to enter sensitive information such as credit card info, that information is encrypted and protected with state of the art encryption software, Secure Socket Layers (SSLs). While on a secure page, such as your order form and during the checkout process, a lock icon appears on the bottom of your web browser. When you are not on a secure page no lock icon will appear.

While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information ( like your credit card information ) online, We also do everything in our power to protect our users information off-line. All of our users information and not just the information noted above is restricted in our offices. Only our employees who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to some personally identifiable information as your shipping address for shipping purposes All employees are fully informed about our security and privacy practices and updated as new policies are added or revised. Finally, the servers that we store personally identifiable information on are kept in a secure environment under restricted access.
